রবিবার, ১২ জুন, ২০১১

Avgvi m¥„wZPvib

Avgvi m¥„wZPvib
ÓK‡Zv w`b ‡`wLwb AvwgÓ
meyR Mv‡qi eyK |
†`wLwb  Avgvi gv‡qi
gvqv fiv gyL|
g‡bi c‡i †mB K_vwU
KZLvwU Mvu‡qi gvwU ,
Rwo‡q Av‡Q  †mB gvwU‡Z
GZ Abvwej myL|
†`wLwb  Avgvi gv‡qi
gvqv fiv gyL|
K‡Zvw`b nvuwUwb Avwg
Mvu‡qi evuKv c‡_|
K‡Zvw`b nq LvBwb fvZ
Avgvi gv‡qi nv‡Z|

শনিবার, ১১ জুন, ২০১১

May Allah

May Allah this occasion flood our life with happiness our heart with love our soul with spiritual  our mind  with wisdom wishing we very happy.

বুধবার, ৮ জুন, ২০১১


Man destroyed but not defeated, continues practice of every things make a man perfect. Destiny of life death but works remains alive for some period in world – if as a aim of time.

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